
Networking for Wealth

Right now I want to talk to you about networking for wealth.So you’ve got your business idea together and your plan. You’ve set up your products and services. And now it’s time to start marketing your services, your product, yourself,  your company, out there. You are going to come up against the wall that everybody hits. It’s why most businesses fail. Not having enough customers and not getting your product out there to enough people. And that’s the whole idea that I’m talking about. Creating a network of people who will market with and for you.

Go where the people are

Networking for wealth! What I mean by that is: grab other people. Other people who are directly linked to the industry that you’re working in. People who are in related fields who are also looking to market themselves.

The concept of networking for wealth should really be part of your plan. Check out this article on building the 5-year plan


Each one of you may only have 100, or 500, or 1000, or 2500 names on your email List, or in your facebook group or your combination of different marketing avenues. Regardless, you’re reaching a wider audience when you’re helping each other.  That’s the key! You’re helping each other.  No man is an island with no woman is either. We all need help. It’s important to think of this as a situation where there are many seats at the table. We can all eat if we all work towards that meal. Many hands make light work.

Share and Share alike

Once you get your plan together and you find the groups of people that you want to start marketing for and with, you want to make a plan. Plan how often you’re going to be sharing each other’s links. Plan whether or not you’re going to be dispensing their links and info in an email to your email list. Find out whether they’ll be doing the same or whether or not you’ll be guest blogging on each other’s websites. You can share links on your Facebook page and your Facebook groups.

You can share their media on Reddit, share each other’s pinterest pins, and linked in. But you need to come up with a plan because you don’t want to have anybody having expectations of you that are wrong. You don’t want to be the person taking more from a relationship than the rest of the group and not giving as much value in return.

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Take it easy on em

You want to make it easy for your network to share your links, pages, products and services. I like to create draft copy of newsletters, messages, etc. that your network could possibly send out to their audiences. Do your research on what their  audience expects. 

How do they interact with their audience? If they have an email list, have them send you a sample test copy of one of their emails so that you know exactly how the email goes. Make sure to include the relevant information and links. 

Make it so they only have to copy and paste. You don’t want to deviate from what they send their email list. You want it to be seamless. Be a valuable member of your group. Over-deliver always. Don’t forget they are also networking for wealth.

Where to find your network

You can find these partnerships anywhere. YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, Tailwind for Pinterest, Reddit, Quora, and many more. Newbies might be more open to this because they have a lot to gain from this as well. A person who has a million followers on Facebook or YouTube might not be interested in being your co- marketing partner. But a newbie…someone who may only have a few hundred followers or a small mailing list would be excited to have someone sharing the tasks. 

Now get to it! If you plan on networking for wealth, you have to be consistent. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was a network. Leave a comment below and tell us what strategies you use to build your network.

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2 thoughts on “Networking for Wealth”

    1. Thanks! It’s important to make friends that increase your profitability. You may meet a thousand people who will spend hours talking sports, gossip, and politics with you. But how many of those friends will help you promote your business?

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