In United States many of us hire CPA tax services professional to handle our tax returns. But the thing is that many of us don’t really know much about them or how to find the best CPA tax services around. That’s why we are bringing this article for you.
- What does a CPA charge to do taxes?
- Is it worth having a CPA do your taxes?
- How much should I expect to pay a CPA to help me?
- Ways to find a cpa services
What does a CPA charge to do taxes?
From the research we carried out, we find out that the average cost for a basic tax form preparation is about $176.1 That fee will cover a standard 1040 and state return with not including itemized deductions. But don’t just run off with this number yet. While the national average will be a good starting place, many things do determine the actual cost.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as you decide how much a CPA will charge to do your taxes
How qualified do you want your professional to be?
The average CPA tax services preparer will charge not more than high quality advisor who has loads of experience. But when it comes to the IRS and your money, the stakes will be very high, depending on your particular situation. Here, don’t get us wrong. Our is for you to save money just as more as you do. But when you hire experts—like tax pros, mechanics and doctors, we all spend more cash to get our job done right. To pay an extra $100-300 on the front end will worth it in the long run if only the expert is thorough. As well as accurate and ends up saving you a ton.

How organized are your taxes?
When you show up at a pro’s office with extremely crumpled receipts spilling out from your pockets. As well as manila folders packed with unorganized records just you’ll definitely pay a very high fee. Here’s are some people rule of thumb: The more organized you are with your receipts, the less work a CPA tax services pro will do. And it certainly means a lower cost in the end.
Where do you live?
The fees to hire a CPA tax services professional will differ across the country. For example, you might expect to pay more than the average paid in your stat and very less in another state. You’ll be able to notice all these averages are higher than the $176 mentioned above. But that’s because most people who will use a CPA tax services pro will be more complicated situations than the standard 1040 might cover. Either way, you should be able to expect a slight fluctuation in cost based on the quality of the professional, your region and your specific needs.
How complicated are your taxes?
For a second let’s be honest: If you will be needing a plain tax filing, you would be probably get away with just paying a fee very close to the minimum range. But know that the more complicated your tax situation is, the more time it’ll take the CPA tax services pro to prepare your return. And we all do know that time is money.
For instance, let’s say you own a side business. You’ll need to itemize deductions and will file a Schedule C form in addition to your basic 1040. In that case, the average cost will be around $450.3.
Is it worth having a CPA do your taxes?
Mark Kohler, a well known CPA tax attorney and senior adviser at TaxSlayer, says there are many good reasons to consider before asking for help. Here are some scenarios, for instance, in which it might be worth it to bring in a professional.
You have a small business or side-hustle
When you own your own business, there will be many possible tax write-offs, and you need a professional that has the expertise to help you navigate them. Likewise, when you do a significant work in the gig economy, driving Uber, selling some products on sites like Etsy or racing horses.

The IRS contacts you
Even when the IRS do reach out to you asking for something as simple as substantiation of your expenses relating to the car you just bought. We do recommend for you to loop in a professional. It might be a seemingly innocuous letter, but, if you don’t handle it correctly, it might turn into a big deal quickly. So, you need a good CPA or tax professional that understands the language of the IRS.
Planning for your kids to go to college
When your child is heading to college and you plan to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), their assistance could be helpful. Be sure you don’t have any unwanted assets or income in your child’s name. That only can actually hurt them for financial aid, although it will be good for tax planning. It calls for the assistance of the CPA tax services provider.
You own a rental property
A return on your real estate investment might get tricky. You need a professional to help you figure out what types of deductions you will be entitled to.
You’re self-directing your retirement
You are not only limited to traditional investments in stocks, bonds and mutual funds. It calls for you to need other retirement vehicles to invest in alternatives like bitcoin and real estate. That’s self-directing. A CPA tax services provider will help you in achieving your plan on retirement.
Generally there are four types of professionals who are there to assist you with your taxes. They include the following:
- Registered Tax Return Preparers (RTRPs)
- Enrolled Agents (EAs)
- Certified Public Accountants (CPAs)
- Attorneys
Many attorneys are equally CPAs but might hold a more advanced legal degree equally. When deciding whom to hire, you need to consider how complicated your return is. These are essential tiers, if your tax return is very simple, an RTRP will be fine, but when you need someone who will handle more complex tax return, then hiring a CPA will be smart decision. There is many good thing a CPA tax services professional will do to increase your refund or to have a more strategic tax return.
According to Mark Kohler, many people do think a tax return is what it is but that is far from the truth. He went ahead to suggest that thinking of a tax return is like remodeling your kitchen. This means that two contractors might have very different designs even when they both still pass code. As for their rates, they will vary widely. A CPA tax services professional can charge close to $400 for a return, or a some times the cost of an RTRP, but in few cases to spend more may be well worth it. After all, as Kohler do put it, “you will get what you will pay for.”
How much should I expect to pay a CPA to help me?
It will depend on what you want to accomplish and your current portfolio size or business.
Tax preparation
When you want a tax preparation, go for a reputable company, at least they do charge the average landlord around $1,800 – $2,500. When you are having a very small portfolio, you will get within $1,000 – $1,500 range. If you are having a large portfolio, you might often see bills in excess of $3,000. Price is equally influenced by many income streams you have, the number of states that will need to be reported, etc. Entities that won’t be single member LLCs need to file their own tax returns separate from your own personal tax return. Factors do affect price are number of states involved number of partners, number of assets held and size of assets held, and business activities. If your accounting is in a mess, you will need to pay your CPA tax services team extra money to tidy up your books. As well as develop a presentable financial statement. Contrary to the popular belief that you may have, accounting and tax preparation are two totally different services.
Accounting service fees do vary that completely depends on the services you need. Understand that bookkeeping fees are the cheapest reason being that the service is very basic. Landlords will expect to pay around $200 per month per property for their average property. If you run a large flipping/developing properties, landlording business, or syndicating deals. You will likely need much more than bookkeeping. A Virtual Controller will be implementing account controls, manage your bookkeeper(s), assist in their cash flow management. As well as to develop and deliver management and investor reports for them. An Outsourced CFO will be helping the management team with investor reporting, capital structure, financial analytics, and business planning. When you run a syndication or a fund, we do recommend your budgeting 1.5-3% of your total gross revenues as bookkeeper and controller fees. CFO fees do often run $180+ per hour.

We often see syndications make big mistakes when they budget for accounting fees. Often we do see a budget that will contain only $800 for the entire year for all their accounting and tax preparation services. This mistake do have horrible consequences when you are not keeping up with financial reporting on your own. Because you go about doing it on your own with that budget. We will do a great job lowering accounting fees through outsourcing the data entry and bookkeeping by allowing your team to just focus on Controller and CFO services for your client.
Tax strategy
Firms do charge drastically different rates for their advisory services. Many companies bill hourly while others do offer fixed monthly subscription for their services. Many have tried the subscription model by just quoting a client for a certain number of phone calls annually. Then they spread out the cost over 12 months. This always end up happening, that they will only give partial value on each quarterly call instead of delivering all the value upfront. This would lead to a better client experience. Clients will equally complain that they are paying monthly but are not talking to you monthly. Even when on the engagement letter it was not stated.
Regardless, some CPA tax services do change their model. Their tax strategy engagements might last between 30-90 days and will cost around $20,000. They might stop to do onboard on tax strategy for anyone. Unless they feel they will provide value in excess of the cost of their engagement. When the tax strategy engagement is complete, they will provide you with an ideal maintenance plan of your Strategy Calls. This might cost around $250 but is paid as you start to use the service. They will equally love it if you will stick around for accounting and tax prep services but that’s completely up to you!
3 Ways to find a cpa services
I. Compile your list
Like with many service providers, a perfect way to find a C.P.A is to ask for a referral. But don’t just start with the first name you will get, first compile a list of three or four potential CPA service providers.
Let’s consider how you can compile your list:
Ask your friends, family, and co-workers for the referrals.
Check with your family, friends, business associates, co-workers, even your attorney, financial adviser, or banker. Find out who they really use and if they’ve had a wonderful experience.
Search the I.R.S. directory
Every paid tax preparer should have is a preparer tax identification number, or P.T.I.N. However, anyone can apply for this P.T.I.N. online for free, so having P.T.I.N. alone isn’t indicative of the person’s skill or experience.
Check with your state or national associations
Most state accountancy boards and state C.P.A. societies do maintain online directories of their members. Not every C.P.A. can prepare taxes, so you will need to do some research online or call to know if the people on your list do provide the kind of tax services you need.
Consider free tax preparation resources
If your income is less than $56,000 per year or probably you are 60 and older. Yu may like to look into having your tax return to prepared with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) or Tax Counseling for the Elderly (T.C.E.) programs. These programs are majorly sponsored by the I.R.S. and equally staffed by volunteers trained to provide these basic tax prep services to the public free of charge.

II. Narrow down your options
Once you’ve compiled a list of potential CPA service providers near you. It’s time to narrow it down on who’s best.
Here’s what to do:
Verify their credentials
Probably you will get the tax their names from the I.R.S., your state accountancy board, your state C.P.A. society, or the NAEA. Their credentials are more likely to be legit. However, you got their names through a referral, it’s a ideal to find out whether the person do hold the certifications they are claiming to have.
Read online reviews
Now is time to take a look at your potential CPA tax services provider’s websites. As well as social media accounts to see what sorts of things they do post online. Equally read online reviews on them on Yelp, Google, Angie’s List, Thervo, and Facebook. Also google their name to see what will comes up and scroll through the first few pages of search results to be sure that nothing is buried.
Note that anybody who is working with the public probably will a negative review posted by a disgruntled client about that person or company. However, when your research no uncovers red flags like a pattern of their client complaints. Including unprofessional social media posts, or an arrest record about them. Simply move on to your next candidate.
III. Make an appointment
Now you must have narrowed down your list to the most promising prospects. Reach out and asking them to meet you in person as soon as possible. But understand this, if you are waiting to make your appointment until the next tax season is well underway. You will have a difficult time finding someone who will really have the time to sit down with you. So, set up a meeting as soon as possible, even when you don’t yet have all your tax documents ready.
Interview a prospective CPA tax services provider
When you are meeting with your potential accountant, make sure you bring a copy of your most recent tax return. To review your latest return is one of the perfect ways for the CPA tax services provider can be able to evaluate your situation. And give you an idea of how much they will be charging.
Prepare fully to let your potential CPA tax services provider know about any significant life changes you must experienced in the past year. Like when you got married or divorced, to know about any rental property investment, or you recently started a business.
Here are some questions you will ask during your meeting:
How long have you been preparing taxes?
If your tax return is just simple, someone with a couple of years of experience should be able to handle it. But when your return is complicated or you’ve had some issues with the I.R.S. in the past. You may like want someone with more experience.
How do you bill for your services?
Here the accountant might not be able to give you an exact price at this initial meeting with them. But they will be able to give you an estimate, especially if you do show them your last year’s return. Equally find out if they charge a flat fee or an hourly rate; either of them is fine. As long as you will get an idea of how much you are going to spent to have your return prepared.
You should be able to look outside where you live or stay. If you don’t seem to find a CPA tax services provider near you whom you will feel comfortable working with. Then consider to look outside of your geographic location. Though many people do prefer face to face meetings, you aren’t limited to CPA tax services and tax advisors in your town. So explore other resources and get your results!