Different types of accounting services
Types of business services
Services offered by business service accountant
Understand that accounting business services are very important to both small and large businesses. These accounting business services will help to keep your business on track regarding different payments, bookkeeping, financial development and business expenses. Accounting business professionals are there to provide advice to start-ups and businesses on the right investment. As well as the best structure for their business to be able to be financially stable. It’s thus very important for you being a business owner to know the best outsourcing accounting business services for your business. In this very article, we were see the the different types of accounting services, types of business services and the work of a accounting business accountant.
Different types of accounting services
There are four major kinds of accounting which include the following:
- Government accounting
- Public accounting
- Internal auditing
- Management accounting
Government accounting
Government accounting is a type of accounting that involves accounting services for government entities. Here the accountant will ensure that expenditures and revenue are done according to the law. They are equally has the responsibility to manage government assets and to create a budget.

Public accounting
Public accounting is the most comprehensive type of accounting, and the accountants will specialize in account management services. As well as bookkeeping, and financial analyzing. The accountants will be responsible for the preparation of taxes, create accounting system designs. And help in identifying of financial errors, and as well as compensating employees.
Internal auditing
The accountants will be involved in checking financial waste, management practices, fraud, and mismanagement. They equally help to check if the business in question work by the law and regulation. The accountants can decide to specialize in different fields of auditing. This include the following: compliance auditing, environmental auditing and technology auditing.
Management accounting
Here, the accountants will record and analyze a business financial data and use the same information to help in budgeting, cost management. As well as asset management, and also performance evaluation.
There are other different accounting services which include the following:
- Bookkeeping
- Tax accounting
- Chartered accounting
- Account payable
- Forensic accounting
- Financial controller services
- Accounting audit
- Bank reconciliation
- Account receivable
- Payroll processing
Bookkeeping is a type of accounting service that involves keeping records of the financial accounts of your business. The bookkeeper will update the financial systems by simply taking record of the hard copy of the financial data. Better still use a financial accounting software on the network. The bookkeeper will monitor the payment of the accounts and how they will be received.
Tax accounting
Tax accounting deals with the income tax and other taxes that will be placed on your business. The tax accountant will ensure that they give you the best advice when it comes to issue of claims and will protect your company from paying unnecessary taxes. They are there to help you fix any issues relating to filling of returns.
Chartered accounting
Chartered accountants are accountants that specializes in different areas from auditing to management. Basically they are a part of the professional financial body.
Forensic accounting
These kind of accountants do offer services when it comes to issue of tracking missing funds that may appear at the course of your financial report. The accountants will work hand in hand with law enforcement agents to recover the missing funds. For effective delivery of this type of accounting service its very essential for the business owners to be open and transparent with the forensic assistants. When it concerns any tax evasion or fraud or any financial problem.
Financial controller services
Basically, the financial controllers are the head of your company’s commercial department. Their task will include; assigning work to your employees, overseeing your staff, and dealing with your new clients. They can equally carry both external and internal auditing tasks together. They will ensure that efficient and accurate accounting work is sone.
Accounting auditing
Auditing will give more detailed financial information about your business. The auditors will be involved in validating and ensuring the accuracy of your financial statements and reports.
Payable accounts
This type of accounting service will modify the payment system of your business by managing your financial transactions. As well as to come up with expenditure solutions, exclude duplication, and manage your financial documents.
Bank reconciliation
This service will ensure that accurate bookkeeping of your financial records are done and help to find any discrepancy. The accountants will help to provide your business cuts down on expenses and equally protect fraud.
Payroll processing
This type of accounting service will ensure accuracy in tax rates and regulatory information. It will provide the maintenance of your financial records of your employee’s income, deductions, and bonuses.
Account receivable
This accounting service will help to boost the collection rate of your company, reduce the period of payments, and also ensure fast processing of invoices.
However, regardless of the type of accounting service, generally accountants will help in the assessment of finances of your business. As well as bookkeeping and recording and analyzing all your business transactions. The accounting services will differ depending on the experience, business environment, and management status. It’s thus crucial to know and understand the appropriate type of accounting service that your business will need. You might equally seek professional assistance from specialized accountants. Accounting business services are services that have to comply with the laws and regulations of your company as well as those of the federal, state and local government.
Types of business services
Business services are those services that companies utilizes. However, business services unlike products or goods services are intangible. Considering the fact that a large part of the business industries is present in the service sector. There are various types of business services based on the sector they are catering for. These business services will provide different aspects of the industry which the goods or product cannot provide. Let’s consider some of the types of business services:
Management services
Management services are services that cater to different aspects of managing the independent services. This types of business service is used in finance industries to perform the following:
- Asset management service
- Debt management services
- Stock management services
Event management services is one of the important area of every corporation. They do require assistance from third-party agents who are experts in event management and business marketing. These services are required more especially for business and trade shows as well as during launch events and other very important business meetings.
Management services are needed right from the point of deciding the venue, to setting up a stall and to the event itself. To the point where the premises will be cleaned up after the work is done. They will equally provide assistance in setting up boots and to provide backup during emergencies like power failure at the event.
Software services

It’s so obvious that Information Technology has established its presence in every field. A key part of it is software services. Software is an important part of every electronic device. It ranges from operating systems, data backups to special programs to be able to access some special files to anti-virus.
Part of the software services is to give upgrades and enhancing the features together with security. It is important that while all the relevant transactions will happen over software’s chances of being hacked. To prevent your accounting business services documents being lost. That is why banking industry is an important sector where software services are needed. Since more than 90% of their transactions take place online. It’s extremely important that the software services are up to date to be able to combat virus threats as well as hacking threats.
Consulting services
These are business services used by many organizations irrespective of the industry. Consulting services can be used for business expansion projects, financial projects or for a specific sector of business. Consultations are an important part of corporate giants like Accenture who are known for providing services to almost every industry. They are equally availed by companies during mergers and acquisitions to be able to understand the nature of the industry and business. Provided to be able to understand the nature of the competition and the industry specifics.
Training services
Lot of companies are always in need of training services. While many of these companies are competent enough to train their own employees in their own technicalities. Still exernal training agency services are hired to train their employees in soft skills. They are equally trained in technical know-how about a sector unrelated to their organization.
Knowledge check is the important aspect of any training. While a trainer train the participants, it is very crucial to understand how of much what has been taught has been adequately understood by the employees. Certainly it will be a waste of time and money if all the training was not understood by the participants. Thus, the knowledge check is important.
Financial services
Finance is an important aspect of any company. Every company are in need of financial services for different purposes like taxation, depreciation, valuation, or expansion. To manage finances is basically done by the finance department in the company. But the services mentioned require the attention bof a special financial help from financial advisors, like CPA tax advisors. Financial advisors are equally present during the investment decisions period wherein they will decide what is the investment to be done.
Marketing services
Organizations are known to be in need of marketing services often. Especially niche marketing services such as creative advertising and creative marketing. There are designated advertising and marketing agencies that do just that. These agencies will focus only on providing services to their clients coming up with innovative and creative ideas for them. Many of these companies have an in-house marketing department but prefer to invest in outsourcing the marketing to get more quality work done. An organization might equally have a marketing team which is in the house and do cater to third-party clients as well.
They will come up with marketing campaigns in an entire new sector or any geography might require this organization to study much which would take a lot of time. Equally, this outsourced marketing team are more efficient when compared to in-house marketing teams. Another part of marketing is the market research. Up to 90% of companies always prefer to get this done by outsourced agencies who specializes in market research services. These agencies will understand perfectly the requirements of their clients. Then prepare their questionnaires, which will beapproved by the company. Next they will conduct the first and primary survey to be able to know the market data. Most of the times to collect this data is expensive for the company but it is worth the amount. Because of its authenticity and the information which the data will produce is very priceless.
Travel services

Organizations always require travels to different locations on account of their business. It is very important that these services are outsourced to the proper people who are involved in travel booking. Since they will get the bookings done with a good reasonable charge. While it can not be denied that it is very effective economically. It is equally efficient professionally to get these services done by professionals. They are equally involved in providing you with proper reminders, itineraries and important travel tips before you travel which the internal department might not be able to do.
Services offered by accounting business service accountant
A businessman that owns either a small business or large business. Don’t need to spend his time to research on a business accounting aspects. The aspects might be things such as tax compliance laws, deduction of their employees payroll and many other details. Rather, as a small business owner, you will spend more of your time and energy on improving your revenue, to increase the number of employees or to improve your services and products. An accounting business accountant, therefore, is an experts who helps to provide assurance of a business financial information. This will help the owners to make decisions on resources allocation. The services offered by accounting business accountants include the following:

Estate planning
The accounting business accountants are there to help firms and businesses get through with their complex financial aspects. On how to acquire proper estate management planning.
Management consulting
These accountants has the adequate understanding and the knowledge of a business tax situation. As well as the financial standing and surrounding state of a business environment and they are there to offer business advisory services. They will help a business to be able to identify a new business gap. Evaluate the current strategies at hand as well as offer practical advice for a more successful future business.
They help with company formation and secretarial services
An accounting business accountant is trained to offer help in the formation of various companies. Such as the limited companies and equally assist in the registration of the office address.
Accounting business accountants are there to provide advice to their clients on the financial strategies through identifying areas that will negatively affect the business’s profitability and growth. Also they will provide advice on strategies to be used in lowering the tax burden and equally the future plans reviews. Accountants are very good to offer consulting services on computer systems (software services), business valuations, and financial retirement decisions.
Tax planning
Through the accountants, many of the accounting firms are offering a wide range of tax services to their clients. When it comes to the issue of tax planning, the accountants will help to develope new tax codes. That will help to keep up with the country’s tax regulations and make the business to be able to meet financial deadlines and requirements.

Bookkeeping and payroll
Bookkeeping, basically means the ability to keep the business records in regard to the financial affairs of a business. The services here include the following:
- Handling billing records
- Taxes
- Bank reconciliations
- General ledger
- Payroll records
All these will be based on a period of time, probably quarterly, monthly or yearly. Bookkeepers equally have got the capability to generate financial statements to be reviewed by an experienced accounting business accountant.
Accounting and auditing
These are the major services provided by a accounting business services accountant. Accounting business services include the following:
- Perfecting of financial services
- Preparations of tax returns
- Track expenses and revenues
- Producing financial records
- Provide consulting to a business.
Through auditing, they will offer business valuation services such as long-term planning on how to acquire fixed assets based on either appreciation or depreciation of the assets and clients. For any business facing issues like fraud, some accounting business services accountants might equally provide forensic services for the business.