Many black people want to further their education at an accredited institute of higher learning. Some plan meticulously for this goal. However, with the steep interest rates attached to student loans, many are shying away from pursuing a college education. Thankfully there are several scholarships that are available to African American and minority students. Hopefully, the scholarships listed below will be of use to you in the 2020 academic year.
1. 100 Black Men of Prince George’s County, Inc. Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Deadline: June 07, 2020
Available Awards: 10
The 100 Black Men of Prince George’s County, Inc. has ten $1,000 scholarships for students who reside in Prince Georges County Maryland. Successful candidates must be prospective STEM students who are high school seniors or undergraduate students. Interested applicants must be bound for trade/vocational schools, junior/community colleges or four-year universities/colleges. Preference will be given to those intending to study Computer Science and similar fields. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
9103 Woodmore Center Drive #361
Lanham, MD 20706
2. ABA Diversity Scholarship
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: Varies
Available Awards: Varies
The ABA Diversity Scholarship is designed for those interested in studying in fields pertaining to the transportation, travel, and tourism industry. Eligible candidates must have completed the first year of university, with a cumulative 3.0 GPA, and have a declared major at an accredited university. The scholarship application process requires a 500-word essay. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o American Bus Association
700 13th Street, NW
Suite 575
Washington, DC 20005
Tel: 800-283-2877
Fax: 202-842-0850
3. ACHE Albert W. Dent Graduate Student Scholarship
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: March 31, 2020
Available Awards: 15
This scholarship was established by the Foundation of the American College of Healthcare Executives in honor of the first African American Fellow, ACHE Albert W. Dent. The scholarship is offered to minority Graduate students in their final year, who are studying in management graduate programs focusing on healthcare. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
300 S Riverside Plaza
Suite 1900
Chicago, IL 60606-6698
Tel: 312-424-9400
Fax: 312-424-9405
4. Actuarial Diversity Scholarship
Amount: $4,000
Deadline: May 02, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
The Actuarial Diversity Scholarship promotes diversity through an annual scholarship program for Hispanic, Native North American, Black/African American, and Pacific Islander students.
The scholarship requirements are:
– Intention of becoming a professional in the Actuarial field
– Full-time enrollment as an undergraduate student at a United States accredited educational institution
– Minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale), emphasis is placed on Actuarial and Math grades
– Entering college freshmen must have an SAT math score of 600 or a minimum ACT math score of 28
For more information, please contact the scholarship program.

5. AFSCME Union Scholars Program Summer Internship Scholarship
Amount: $6,000
Deadline: February 28, 2020
Available Awards: 12
A 10-week summer internship for minority students, the Union Scholars Program is perfect for those passionate about social justice. During the internship, students will receive valuable resume building experience, while getting paid. Students will also get the opportunity to travel with AFSCME members. Applicants must be either undergraduate sophomores or juniors at the time of the interview process, with a minimum 2.5 GPA. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Deanna Richards
1625 L. Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-429-1202
6. AIA Chicago Foundation Graduate Diversity Scholarship
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: April 15, 2020
Available Awards: 1
The AIA Chicago Foundation Graduate Scholarship is intended for incoming or enrolled graduate students in the NAAB accredited master’s degree program in architecture. The successful candidates must attend either the University of Illinois at Chicago, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, or Illinois Institute of Technology. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
35 E. Wacker Dr., STE, 250
Chicago, IL 60659
Tel: 312-376-2725
7. AIA Chicago Foundation Undergraduate Diversity Scholarship
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: May 15, 2020
Available Awards: 1
Scholarship Description
To be a successful applicant for the AIA Chicago Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship, you must be enrolled or transferring to the Illinois Institute of Architecture’s B.Arch. program or the University of Illinois at Chicago’s BS program in Architecture. This academic scholarship aims to increase and promote diversity within the architectural profession. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
35 E. Wacker Dr., STE, 250
Chicago, IL 60659
Tel: 312-376-2725
8. AICPA Scholarship for Minority Accounting Students
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: March 01, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
Successful candidates to the AICPA Minority Scholarship must be outstanding minority students pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in an accounting-related major. The applicant must be a United States citizen or permanent resident and have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
220 Leigh Farm Road
Durham, NC 27707-8110
9. ALA - LITA/LSSI Scholarship
Amount: $2,500
Deadline: March 01, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
The ALA – LITA/LSSI Minority Scholarship is awarded annually to graduate students, to encourage the entry of qualified persons into the library and automation field. The recipient must be a United States or Canadian citizen. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Clearinghouse
ALA, HR Development & Recruitment
50 East Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2795
Tel: 800-545-2433 77

10. Alvaro L. Martins Scholarship Program
Amount: $8,000
Deadline: March 08, 2020
Available Awards: 18
Outstanding undergraduate black male students attending Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are encouraged to apply for The Alvaro L. Martins scholarship. Essays are required during the application. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
1301 K St NW
Suite 210 W
Washington, DC 20005
11. American Library Association Spectrum Scholarship
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: March 01, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
Spectrum provides scholarships and recruits students who are interested in obtaining graduate degrees and attaining leadership positions within the organization. The aim is to promote the number of racially diverse professionals working in the field of library and information science.
The minority student applicant must be a US citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. or Canadian citizen. The preferred candidate must be enrolled at either a library and information studies graduate program or an NCATE School Library Media program. The programs must be ALA-accredited. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
50 E Huron Street
Chicago, IL 60611
Tel: 800-545-2433 x5048
12. Ann Fudge Scholarship Program
Amount: $8,000
Deadline: March 08, 2020
Available Awards: 18
Top performing undergraduate black female students attending renown HBCUs are invited to apply for The Ann Fudge Scholarship. A 500-800-word essay on a given topic is required. In addition, a 3 to 5-minute video responding to two questions is required. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
1301 K St NW
Suite 210 W
Washington, DC 20005
13. Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship
Amount: $20,000
Deadline: March 08, 2020
Available Awards: 2
High-school seniors of African descent, i.e. African American, African, or Ethiopian, are welcome to apply for the Blacks at Microsoft Scholarship. The applicant must be enrolled at a 4-year university, the fall semester immediately following their high-school graduation. A minimum 3.3 GPA, financial need and pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in specified fields, e.g., computer science, engineering, business programs, etc., is required. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: Scholarship Committee
1200 5th Avenue
Suite 1300
Seattle, WA 98101
14. Catharine Lealtad Scholarships
Amount: $72,000
Deadline: Varies
Available Awards: Varies
Catharine Lealtad, Macalester’s first African American graduate, completed her studies in 1915. The Catharine Lealtad Scholarships are awarded in her honor. These scholarships are awarded to high-achieving African American, Native American and Latino students who plan to study at Macalester. There is no special application process. Lealtad Scholarships are renewed for each year you are enrolled, if you make satisfactory progress toward graduation. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Macalester College Dean of Admissions
Macalester College
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105
Tel: 800-231-7974
15. CBC Spouses Education Scholarship
Amount: $8,200
Deadline: April 30, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
The CBC Spouses Education Scholarship is awarded to highly motivated and academically talented black or African American students pursuing a higher education. Congressional Black Caucus members spouses established the scholarship to counter federal cuts in spending for scholarships and education programs. The scholarship covers those enrolled in the following programs: African American Studies, Political Science, Public-Administration, Criminal Justice, Public Policy, Public Affairs, International Relations, Mass communications, Legislative Affairs, Pre-Law, American History and/or Juris Doctor.
To qualify for this award, you must be a person of color and with a minimum 2.5 GPA. You must also be a constituent of a CBC member’s district. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Coordinator
1720 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Tel: 202-263-2800
16. CGCS- Bernard Harris Scholarship Program
Amount: $5,000
Deadline: April 12, 2020
Available Awards: 4
The CGCS-Bernard Harris Scholarship program encourages applications from minority students who intend to pursue college degrees and careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The award will be given to two Hispanic and two African American students currently completing high school. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Tonya Harris
1331 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Suite 1100N
Washington, DC, DC 20004
Tel: 202-393-2427
17. EPP Undergraduate Scholarship Program
Amount: $45,000
Deadline: January 31, 2020
Available Awards: 10
The EPP Undergraduate Scholars Program is interested in students who are enrolled in course work in targeted academic fields critical to NOAA’s mission. The candidate must have completed their sophomore year at a minority serving institution (MSI), with a minimum 3.2 GPA, and should be intending to declare a major in oceanic, atmospheric, or environmental disciplines. The student must be a U.S. citizen and enrolled/accepted in/to a four-year academic program at an accredited minority-serving university or college. For more information, please contact the scholarship program
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
1315 East-West Highway
Room 10703
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel: 301-713-9437 x150
18. Express Scripts Scholarship
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: Varies
Available Awards: 4
The Express Scripts Foundation recognizes the financial pressure placed upon students interested in obtaining dual degrees. Consideration will be given to underrepresented minorities, as well as students with low socio-economic status.
– Students must be in a dual degree or graduate program that includes a pharmacy degree
– The institution must be an Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accredited school
– The applicant must be a permanent resident or United States citizen
For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
1727 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel: 703-739-2330
19. Gensler Diversity Scholarship
Amount: $20,000
Deadline: December 09, 2019
Awards Available: 2
The Gensler Diversity Scholarship awards minority and underrepresented students enrolled in U.S.A non-profit NAAB-accredited architecture programs, with summer internship and academic scholarship opportunities. First prize winner receives $20K, second prize receives a $10K award.
Eligible applicants must be, in the coming fall, entering the academic program’s final year. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
2020 K Street NW
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: 202-721-5200

20. Gucci Changemakers X CFDA Scholars by Design Scholarships
Amount: $80,000
Deadline: December 31, 2019
Available Awards: 2
The Gucci Changemakers Scholarship Award Programs mission is to provide opportunities for the youth to gain access to the fashion industry. Graduating high school seniors who intend to study at an accredited undergraduate university are invited to apply. Two awards of up to $20,000 per year will be issued for four years. The scholars are expected to maintain passing grades and reapply every year. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Tel: 866-482-2400
21. Gucci Changemakers Scholarship Program
Amount: $100,000
Deadline: December 31, 2019
Available Awards: 1
The Gucci Changemakers Scholarship Award Programs mission is to provide opportunities for the youth to gain access to the fashion industry. Graduating high school seniors who intend to study at an accredited undergraduate university and currently enrolled undergraduates are invited to apply. Undergraduate students should be studying fashion at an accredited four-year university in North America.
Special consideration will be given to those with unmet financial need, and who plan to attend a Historically Black College and University (HBCU). Alternatively, the students should live in one the 12 Gucci Changemakers cities– Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Houston, Miami, Los Angeles, New York, New Orleans, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Toronto, or Washington DC. The awards of up to $20,000 per year will be issued for four years. The scholars are expected to maintain passing grades and reapply every year. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Tel: 866-482-2400
22. Jesse L. Jackson-Fellows Toyota Scholarship
Amount: $25,000
Deadline: May 01, 2021
Available Awards: 1
The Jesse Jackson Fellows-Toyota Scholarship awards up to $25,000 annually, to outstanding and deserving African American college sophomores. Applicants interested in applying for the renewable scholarship must have a minimum 3.0 GPA. They must be enrolled in a program pertaining to the automotive industry and be a STEM or business major. Successful candidates should require financial assistance and be actively involved in the community. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
930 E. 50th Street
Chicago, IL 60615
Tel: 773-256-2762
23. Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship Program
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: March 12, 2020
Available Awards: 200
The Lockheed Martin STEM Scholarship provides opportunities to students who want to change the world!
Lockheed Martin will issue 200 renewable scholarship awards worth $10,000 each. Awards are open to students who are either computer science or engineering majors, who come from under-served communities and who demonstrate financial need. Mentorship is a key component of the program. Therefore, scholarship recipients will also be able to intern at Lockheed Martin during their freshman, sophomore or junior year in college. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
One Scholarship Way
St. Peter, MN 56082
Tel: 800-537-4180
24. Minorities In Government Finance Scholarship
Amount: $10,000
Deadline: January 18, 2020
Available Awards: 1
GFOA’s Executive Board created the Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship. The award recognizes and encourages outstanding minority students preparing for a career in local government or state finance.
The applicant may be a part-time or full-time minority junior/senior undergraduate or graduate student, studying accounting (governmental), public administration, economics, finance, political science, or business administration. The programs focus should be on nonprofit or government. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.

25. NACME Scholars (Block Grant) Program
Amount: $62,500
Deadline: Varies
Available Awards: Varies
The NACME Scholars Program provides block grants to universities, which in turn, award the money as part of financial aid to high achieving minority students – African American, American Indian, and Hispanic students. The successful candidates are required to be freshmen, or transfer students, or have completed one year of an engineering program at an accredited university. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Tel: 914-539-4316
26. National Black MBA Association Inc. (NBMBAA) Graduate Scholarship
Amount: $15,000
Deadline: Varies
Available Awards: Varies
The NBMBAA scholarship, requires applicants to be first year students, or enrolled in a master’s program; be an active National Black MBA Association member; and be a United States or Canadian citizen. Students must have a minimum 3.0 GPA and be actively involved in community projects. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Tel: 202-810-0258
27. National Black Nurses Association (NBNA) Scholarships
Amount: $6,000
Deadline: April 15, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
The National Black Nurses Association gives annual scholarships to African American students enrolled in a nursing program – L.P.N./L.V.N, A.D., Diploma or B.S.N. Only members of NBNA who are in good scholastic standing are permitted to apply. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
8630 Fenton Street
Suite #330
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Tel: 301-589-3200
Fax: 301-589-3223
28. National Business Case Competition
Amount: $35,000
Deadline: January 1, 2020
Available Awards: 3
The ELC has held the National Business Case Competition since 2002. Students from around the U.S.A submit case studies on various business challenges annually. Thereafter, three finalist teams present their work to a panel of non-profit, corporate, academic and policy leaders. In 2020, the first-place team will receive a $35,000 scholarship award; the second-place team will receive a $20,000 scholarship award; while the third-place team will receive $15,000.
The teams must comprise of two black students, with one black student serving as team captain. The competition does not have any registration fees and is open to all MA, MS and MBA students. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
1301 K St NW Suite 210 W
Washington, DC 20005
29. Ron Brown Scholar Program
Amount: $40,000
Deadline: January 09, 2020
Available Awards: 10
The Ron Brown Scholar Program (RBSP) is a selective scholarship program which honors the legacy of Ronald H. Brown. The program provides scholarships to intellectually gifted African Americans. Ron Brown Scholars are awarded four-year $40,000 scholarships, i.e., $10,000 each year. High school senior applicants must exhibit exceptional leadership potential, excel academically, demonstrate financial need and participate in community service activities. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
1160 Pepsi Place
Suite 206
Charlottesville, VA 22901
30. The Jackie Robinson Foundation
Amount: $28,000
Deadline: February 01, 2020
Available Awards: Varies
The Jackie Robinson Foundation awards $28,000 scholarships each year for four years to exceptional minority high school students. Successful candidates should exhibit leadership potential, dedication to community service and demonstrate financial need. Applicants must have a combined (math and critical reading sections) minimum SAT score of 1000 or an ACT score of 21. For more information, please contact the scholarship program.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
One Hudson Square
75 Varick Street 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10013-1917
Tel: 212-290-8600
Fax: 212-290-8081
31. The Reverend Pinckney Scholarship
Amount: $40,000
Deadline: March 16, 2020
Available Awards: 8
The Reverend Pinckney Scholars Program is open to African American students who reside in Charleston, Beaufort, or Jasper Counties. In addition to monetary support, the program runs workshops and offers pre-college training. For more information, please contact the scholarship provider.
Address: c/o Scholarship Committee
635 Rutledge Avenue
Suite 201
Charleston, SC 29403
Tel: 843-793-6120
African American Scholarships. November 2019.

Let’s stand up for fairness, rewrite the rules, and create a world where everyone has a real shot at success.

Introduction: Bridging the Divide – Understanding the Wealth Gap A Persistent Disparity in Wealth: Unveiling the Divide The landscape of the United States is characterized

It doesn’t have to be expensive. No need for fancy bells and whistles! It only needs to work.