
If We live black and Die black... We need to buy black and buy back our futures!

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Start Chasing Wealth!

Let’s be honest. There is no get rich quick scheme that is both legal and able to be duplicated. Everything worth having takes time and investment. In order to start a successful wealth building empire, it takes investment. Both time and money. But how can you invest if you spend every dollar you earn on frivolous things like housing, utilities, and toilet paper? That’s why we are here. Let’s explore together, the many different ways that we can change our situation from one of just a consumer, to that of a wealth builder and an asset and opportunity. We will all die, a fact even more certain than taxes. We don’t know the time or the cause, but we do have control of the circumstances we leave behind. I personally want my death to mean the influx of wealth to the next generation. So instead of leaving behind debts and sadness. I want to leave a legacy, a tangible asset that provides endless opportunity for growth for the future generations to come.

black business

Empowering Black Business

Black Business “Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” Dr. Martin

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